Friends and Colleagues

First United Methodist of Trenton - The church I currently serve in Trenton, Michigan. If you're in the Downriver area and are looking for a church to call your own, are just curious about what the church could offer your faith life, or are wondering who this God we keep talking about is, you should stop on by!
One of the marks of this congregation that I have heard from folks over and over is that this is a church that is truly interested in loving you where you are.
Also check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

Urban Village Church - A start up church in downtown Chicago and in the Wicker Park community. They identify as a bold, inclusive, and relevant church that seeks to be inviting to all peoples. They have a unique and exciting mission in the Methodist church and I would definitely recommend checking them out.

Albion College Chapel Chapel is a weekly worship service at Albion College that occurs every Wednesday at 9 PM in the KC Stack. We strive to be an open-minded community of believers desiring fellowship with one another and reaching our campus.

Joy-Southfield CDC - The mission of the Joy-Southfield Development Corporation is neighborhood revitalization through family life-skill support and community economic development.

Motown Mission - The Motown Mission Experience is an urban work mission destination in Detroit, MI for Christian youth, college, and adult groups interested in economic disaster recovery work in the name of Jesus Christ.  Begun and continuing as a United Methodist connected organization, the Motown Mission offers an experience deeply rooted in Wesleyan theology and the contemporary UMC's call to mission and service as a means for individual and communal transformation.

Albion College

Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary